The Rt Hon Sir Michael Fallon MP visits Reaction Engines

February 27, 2017
The Rt Hon Sir Michael Fallon MP visits Reaction Engines

On Monday 27 February we were delighted to welcome The Rt Hon Sir Michael Fallon MP to our facilities, demonstrating our world leading innovative technologies and manufacturing capabilities.

This  high profile visit formed part of a day spent visiting Oxfordshire based companies. After his tour of  Reaction Engines, the Defence Secretary went on to do a major speech at the University of Oxford, where he announced the formation of a world class panel which will help challenge and drive the Ministry of Defence’s innovation agenda. SMEs at the heart of innovation

SMEs are at the heart of the Innovation Initiative, and earlier on Monday, the Defence Secretary visited two world-leading Oxfordshire-based small and medium enterprises. The Defence Secretary took part in an Innovation Roundtable with industry representatives, academics, think tanks, and senior policy-makers. The goal is to work more effectively with businesses and academics across the UK – and particularly with SMEs which might not normally think of themselves as Defence suppliers. Sir Michael discussed the innovative collaboration between Reaction Engines, the MOD, and suppliers while touring the cutting-edge facility. The company is a global leader in aerospace propulsion and is currently designing and developing technologies for the next generation of air and space vehicles, with the potential to enable hypersonic flight and transform space access.